Posts in "free software" , Page 3 of 4

Fedora Miniconf and

A very delayed post on the Fedora Miniconf and was held on the 15th, 16th and 17th of...

Auto-login to web proxies using NetworkManager

My ISP uses a web proxy that one has to log into to access the Internet. This logging in is...

Communication between Guests and Hosts

Guest and Host communication should be a simple affair – the venerable TCP/IP sockets should be the first answer to...

Upgrading from Fedora 11 to Fedora 13

Having already installed (what would be) F13 on my work and personal laptops the traditional way – by installing a...

Summercamp artwork

Thanks to Nicu’s excellent step-by-step howto on creating artwork with inkscape and the Open Clip Art Library, I managed to...

Virtualisation (on Fedora)

A few volunteers from India associated with the Fedora Project wrote articles for Linux For You’s March 2010 Virtualisation Special....

Debian moving to time-based releases I have used Debian since several years now and have always been either on the ‘testing’ or the ‘sid’...

We open if we die

I wrote a few comments about introducing “guarantees” in software – how do you assure your customers that they won’t...

Re-comparing file systems

The previous attempt at comparing file systems based on the ability to allocate large files and zero them met with...

Comparison of File Systems And Speeding Up Applications

Update: I’ve done a newer article on this subject at that removes some of the deficiencies in the tests...