Posts in "Tech" , Page 8 of 12

Maximum LCD Brightness Lower Than Before?

If you’re trying out a kernel newer than 2.6.38-rc6 and find your LCD brightness doesn’t go up to its maximum,...

Stay Healthy By Taking Breaks

Most of us lead sedentary lifestyles these days – most of our time is spent in front of computers. This...

Idea: Faster Metadata Downloads With Yum and Git

The presto plugin for yum has worked great for me so far.  It’s been very useful, not for the lack...

Fedora Miniconf and

A very delayed post on the Fedora Miniconf and was held on the 15th, 16th and 17th of...

Auto-login to web proxies using NetworkManager

My ISP uses a web proxy that one has to log into to access the Internet. This logging in is...

Communication between Guests and Hosts

Guest and Host communication should be a simple affair – the venerable TCP/IP sockets should be the first answer to...

Upgrading from Fedora 11 to Fedora 13

Having already installed (what would be) F13 on my work and personal laptops the traditional way – by installing a...

Summercamp artwork

Thanks to Nicu’s excellent step-by-step howto on creating artwork with inkscape and the Open Clip Art Library, I managed to...

Virtualisation (on Fedora)

A few volunteers from India associated with the Fedora Project wrote articles for Linux For You’s March 2010 Virtualisation Special....

RHEV-M demo

Navin gives a small demo of RHEV-M, the management platform for the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization product: </embed> from